
I didn't make this blog so I have another thing on the internet that I need to keep up with - I made this so family, friends, and fans can keep up with my day-to-day life and I find it important to be as close to them as possible :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Radiate L O V E :)

"Let your light shine. Be a source of strength and courage. Share your wisdom. Radiate love." - Wilferd Peterson

So today marks the 6 beautiful months I've known one of my best friends in the entire world and I felt that it was necessary to post this for her :) She and I met on accident, for lack of better words, but nothing ever "sprouted" from that. As I accept friend requests from lots of people that I "know", she and I were friends on Facebook and there was this status where she was asking a question about the school that I go to and that she wanted to attend the upcoming school year. So I messaged her inbox and answered her questions and said that if she had any other questions, just lemme know! And that very night, she and I talked some and there was just this BOND! This indescribable bond that only sisters feel :) but sadly, it took her breaking my heart for me to feel that bond, she had opened up to me and told me about things that she was going through which just really made me hurt for her, and I tried helping her the best I could because NO one should go through the things that she was experiencing at that time. And from February 1st, 2010, she's been my baby sister and I've been her big sister :)

I come across a LOT of people in my life who I can't trust or who hurt me, while they're part of my drive to sing, it still really hurts to feel like you just have no one there. To have to be strong for yourself because no one else is there for you to lean on, just miserable. But ALL of those people, and God blesses me with this girl who is ALWAYS there for me, and who I can always be there for.

Thats not to say I don't have wonderful friends and family who aren't there for me, because I have a wonderful mom and stepdad and baby brother and two older sisters (one sister has a boyfriend who I consider a brother) and a brother in law and a baby niece (eeeep!!!) and a few lifelong friends who are always there. But when you always have those people, its easy to take that love for granted.

People like her, people like them, they give me reason to sing. They plant this seed of utter happiness and joyous bliss in my heart and I can't help but want to share that with people, of course, musically :)

So to go back to Mista Wilfred's quote, the past 6 months, I've been completely blessed by a wonderful friend, a beautiful sister, who allows me to live out this quote :)

Soooo I love you, baby sister!

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