
I didn't make this blog so I have another thing on the internet that I need to keep up with - I made this so family, friends, and fans can keep up with my day-to-day life and I find it important to be as close to them as possible :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

cookie cutter molds.

that I'm a believer in Jesus Christ, Romans 12:2a in the Bible says "Do not conform to this world." And according to Princeton University, "conformity" means "acting according to certain accepted standards."

Why do we fit ourselves into cookie cutter molds that we simply don't fit in? Why do we literally starve ourselves and hinder ourselves from things because society wouldn't like it? Why do we rob ourselves of our own identities so we can take on a false persona? We are created each with a unique DNA, a DNA that no other has. As said in another post, I can only be me and you can only be you. You can try to live your life like mine and I can try to live my life like yours but where does that get us but lost in a world where people don't know who they really are?

Albert Einstein says it so perfectly - there are only a few people who live in their skin. They see things for themselves and they feel things for themselves; they aren't afraid to be themselves.

We live in a world where the media is pressuring us to look like the skinniest celebrity with a tan thats oranger than a 2 liter of Sunkist soda, or to look like the buffest sports player whose muscles only take up half the pictures he's in. We are constantly faced with that pressure and that's only 2 tiny examples of it, I know there are plenty others. But why do we give in, when we are a beautiful unique people?

We weren't made to be changed by the world - the world was made to be changed by us. And if we keep living our lives, trying to fit the molds that others make for us, we aren't changing anything. We're not living our lives to the fullest potential and if we can break these cookie cutter molds and throw them away all together, we can finally learn how to be the people we were made to be. :)

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