
I didn't make this blog so I have another thing on the internet that I need to keep up with - I made this so family, friends, and fans can keep up with my day-to-day life and I find it important to be as close to them as possible :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

shining in shadows!

*Grrrr I forgot to date this Krisism before I took the picture, BUT the date is there now :) but onto the deepness!

I had a friend chat me on Facebook a few minutes ago, explaining how he is so scared to open up to people because he just feels like everyone is going to hurt him or leave him. And he has a "right" to feel that way, he experienced a lot of emotional pain growing up. And its these times where I really look up (like in the picture haha) and just think how cool God is, because just last night, God gave me the words to speak to him today.

I was at a Chrysalis gathering (a church meeting) and I was listening to this pastor speak. And he was referencing to this sermon he had preached a while back, that was talking about shadows: how in the midst the darkest moments of our lives, we don't see that bright light at the end of the tunnel, or better yet, we sense absolutely no hope.

But look at the beauty of shadows: what MAKES a shadow? It takes us to be in a certain place, where something is BLOCKING light. Even when we're standing in a shadow, light exists.

God doesn't want us to walk around paranoid that we're gonna get hurt or we're gonna be lied to or someone close to us is going to betray us. He doesn't want us to be in these dark moments, these shadows, and He especially doesn't want us to feel so overcome by these fears, to think that when we are in these dark shadow, that there is no hope.

I told my friend, "When we're in these hard times where we are so paranoid that we are gonna get hurt by others and that there's no hope that we're gonna find a friend or two who won't hurt us, that fear is false, because hope exists. God made Eve so Adam wouldn't be alone, and you can take that in a marriage-sense or a friend-sense. But God didn't make us to feel alone."

Maybe you can't relate to THIS shadow now. But I can bet that at some point in your life, you've been stuck under some shadow and you weren't able to see how it was going to get any better. But there is hope in that sad situation - so don't give up. Keep searching around in that shadow for hope, and you'll find it. With courage and strength and perserverance, hope exists. It's shining through those shadows :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

lightning and bowling pins for the night!

Well umm, its a wee bit rainy and windy out here! Our local news stations have been following this nasty weather like its a hurricane - its getting close to it, it seems! But I was on Facebook (as always) and I saw this quote on a friend's status and I just had to share it, she said that she used to think when she was little that when they had thunderstorms, that God was bowling, and every time they heard loud thunder, He was knocking down some pins.

I think it's just so cute when we're little and we make up those cute little things with our bright imaginations :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

cookie cutter molds.

that I'm a believer in Jesus Christ, Romans 12:2a in the Bible says "Do not conform to this world." And according to Princeton University, "conformity" means "acting according to certain accepted standards."

Why do we fit ourselves into cookie cutter molds that we simply don't fit in? Why do we literally starve ourselves and hinder ourselves from things because society wouldn't like it? Why do we rob ourselves of our own identities so we can take on a false persona? We are created each with a unique DNA, a DNA that no other has. As said in another post, I can only be me and you can only be you. You can try to live your life like mine and I can try to live my life like yours but where does that get us but lost in a world where people don't know who they really are?

Albert Einstein says it so perfectly - there are only a few people who live in their skin. They see things for themselves and they feel things for themselves; they aren't afraid to be themselves.

We live in a world where the media is pressuring us to look like the skinniest celebrity with a tan thats oranger than a 2 liter of Sunkist soda, or to look like the buffest sports player whose muscles only take up half the pictures he's in. We are constantly faced with that pressure and that's only 2 tiny examples of it, I know there are plenty others. But why do we give in, when we are a beautiful unique people?

We weren't made to be changed by the world - the world was made to be changed by us. And if we keep living our lives, trying to fit the molds that others make for us, we aren't changing anything. We're not living our lives to the fullest potential and if we can break these cookie cutter molds and throw them away all together, we can finally learn how to be the people we were made to be. :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

*the cupcakery* meets my YouTube :)

So I wore this necklace in my "Sunday Morning" cover on YouTube and thought I'd share :) my sister and I made these necklaces and she is now selling them on her Etsy which you ALL should go visit! She is known as "The Cupcakery" and she is so incredibly nifty and creative and she was inspired to make this necklace when she saw the one I was wearing that my momma gave me, and so we sat and made matching sister necklaces!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

new thang i'm gonna do: krisisms :)

*Just in case you can't read that last word - it's boring.* But nah, really, why do people think that their flaws and imperfections are bad? Those things, those dents and bangs and dings make us so beautiful, in that NO one else can be like us. I am the only one that can be Kristen and you are the only one who... can be you! It's something no one can take away from you and we should be confident in that. Madness is genius? Duh, my lovely readers. That one needs no explanation.

The actual quote says "ridiculous", not "ridonkulous", but... that would be just boring to copy the quote. I must live out the quote to its full meaning, riiight?

whatcha' thinkkk?

So I think its really hard to find haircuts that look good on me because I have glasses and a long neck and I'm tall, blah blah blah, butttt I'm thinking I really wanna try this :) Sorry, the owner of this picture also has a Blogger, I don't wanna "link" her blog to here because I don't know her or whatever, but this isn't my picture, I just found it.

And my birthday's coming up in 8 days (eeep!) and I don't know what I want other than recording stuff, maybe, and clothes and purses and Gucci Envy Me and then a haircut :) But I don't think I'm gonna get all of that. So I'd really like money to go shopping, the perfume, and the haircut.

I found this picture on Google Images as well, and I think its quite a coinkydink that the girl who has this picture of her tattoo on her MySpace, my nickname from when I was little is in her little /______ name :) Kissy! Haha! :)

But anywho, I really want this done. Except RAINBOW stars, and not just big ones. Stars of all sizes and I want it to wrap around the back of my foot around to the other side, but not too much - like, "peekaboo!" and it needs to fit RIGHT under my flip-flop line, or go along with that line, considering I wear flip-flops 24/7.

Radiate L O V E :)

"Let your light shine. Be a source of strength and courage. Share your wisdom. Radiate love." - Wilferd Peterson

So today marks the 6 beautiful months I've known one of my best friends in the entire world and I felt that it was necessary to post this for her :) She and I met on accident, for lack of better words, but nothing ever "sprouted" from that. As I accept friend requests from lots of people that I "know", she and I were friends on Facebook and there was this status where she was asking a question about the school that I go to and that she wanted to attend the upcoming school year. So I messaged her inbox and answered her questions and said that if she had any other questions, just lemme know! And that very night, she and I talked some and there was just this BOND! This indescribable bond that only sisters feel :) but sadly, it took her breaking my heart for me to feel that bond, she had opened up to me and told me about things that she was going through which just really made me hurt for her, and I tried helping her the best I could because NO one should go through the things that she was experiencing at that time. And from February 1st, 2010, she's been my baby sister and I've been her big sister :)

I come across a LOT of people in my life who I can't trust or who hurt me, while they're part of my drive to sing, it still really hurts to feel like you just have no one there. To have to be strong for yourself because no one else is there for you to lean on, just miserable. But ALL of those people, and God blesses me with this girl who is ALWAYS there for me, and who I can always be there for.

Thats not to say I don't have wonderful friends and family who aren't there for me, because I have a wonderful mom and stepdad and baby brother and two older sisters (one sister has a boyfriend who I consider a brother) and a brother in law and a baby niece (eeeep!!!) and a few lifelong friends who are always there. But when you always have those people, its easy to take that love for granted.

People like her, people like them, they give me reason to sing. They plant this seed of utter happiness and joyous bliss in my heart and I can't help but want to share that with people, of course, musically :)

So to go back to Mista Wilfred's quote, the past 6 months, I've been completely blessed by a wonderful friend, a beautiful sister, who allows me to live out this quote :)

Soooo I love you, baby sister!